Tuesday, August 02, 2005

"Breathe (2am)" by Anna Nalick

Breathe is something I can't do at the moment. HR Lady is calling my references and my stomach is in knots and I last felt like this:

1) Lining up to take the Teen Jeopardy test with hundreds of kids.
2) Flying from Heathrow to Athens knowing that I'd have to figure out the city at 3am.
3) Preparing for my scholarship/film school interview at USC, knowing the 30 min talk could very well determine my entire life.
4) Worrying that somebody was pregnant and it was probably my fault.
5) Knowing that no matter what I did, I was going to be threatened and scammed out of money crossing the border from Ecuador to Peru.
6) Trying to sleep for the first time in my apartment at USC and wondering if the neighborhood was as dangerous as people had said.

I'm very nervous right now but I'm secretly enjoying these ripe sensations.


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